Este curso es la piedra angular del programa básico del Curso de Estudio en la iglesia Metodista Unida. El curso enfocará en la integración de lo que han aprendido los estudiantes sobre la bíblia, la teología Cristiana y la teología Wesleyana, enfocandonos en los elementos prácticos para el ministerio pastoral en la iglesia y en el mundo.
Los estudiantes podrán:
1. Claramente articular cual es la naturaleza y mission de la iglesia y su relacion con el ministerio pastoral.
2. Demonstrar habilidad para reflexionar teologicamente.
3. Articular una teología trinitaria para la práctica del ministerio pastoral.
4. Desarrolar un plan de vida de lectura teologica, reflexion y desarrollo que los seguirá por el resto de sus vidas.
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Eliezer Valentin
Hello Everyone!
I was just informed by IT that I have been posting my information to last year's Moodle. I will make the adjustments later this evening. Hopefully, I can cut and paste to the proper moodle.
Thank you! I have sent some information via your emails.
Hello Class!
It was a joy meeting all of you over the weekend. My horizons were expanding learning more about each of you. I look forward our growing relationship. I have attached a file with two of the methodologies we talked about regarding sermon preparation.
For this week:
Please select one sermon from Gomes and one sermon from Brown Taylor. Read the sermon and write a one-page summary of each that includes the following information-
1. Sermon topic and text
2. Was there a burning idea driving the sermon?
3. Was there a proposition? (Can you describe the sermon in a sentence or two?)
4. Was there a relevant question and or antithesis?
Please feel free to send the work to me by this Friday, October 11th, via email.
I am far more interested in your preacher/imaginative response, than I am a formatted answer with a rubric. You do not have to write a thesis. But write a paragraph about each of the questions above, related to the sermons you have selected.
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Michael Nabors
Per the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Guidelines for Course of Study, this course focuses on developing the student’s competency as an administrator in a United
Methodist congregation.
Students will be able to:
1. Articulate a biblical and theological understanding of polity.
2. Understand and explain the polity of The United Methodist Church, including
conferencing, oversight, and discipline.
3. Articulate the nature of stewardship biblically and theologically.
4. Identify techniques and develop skills as effective administrators of local churches,
including financial management.
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Blair Stowe
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Rudolph Reyes
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Aleze Fulbright
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Lisl Paul
- Teacher: Kathryn Chambers
- Teacher: Jose Delpino
- Teacher: Honorio Morales
- Teacher: Javier Viera