This course focuses on human and faith development in the midst of contemporary North American cultural and social realities. Particular attention to given to how identities constituted by race, gender, class, sexuality and culture are socially constructed, dynamic and constantly shifting. Attention is also given to the personal and vocational development of the student. Imago Dei provides a theological conceptual frame for the entire course and will be used to examine the ways that the above various dimensions constitute an understanding of self in relation to others. In conversation with this concept, students will interrogate the various differences that shape self-understanding and the implications of these differences for their theological and spiritual development.This course meets the UMC 2012 resolution ?Sexual Ethics as Integral Part of Formation for Ministerial Leadership? (2012 Book of Resolutions), the sexual ethics/boundaries workshop required by many judicatories, and
- Professor: Anne Joh
- Professor: Mai-Anh Le Tran
- Professor: Sungyong Lee
- Professor: Rodolfo Nolasco
- Professor: Lallene Rector
- Professor: Marshae Sylvester